Faculty chaplain Rev. Frank Murphy, C.S.C., accepts religious superior role at King’s College


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Campus Ministry has announced that Rev. Frank Murphy, C.S.C., is leaving the University this summer to serve as the religious superior of the Holy Cross Community at King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, a Holy Cross college. He has served as faculty chaplain and spiritual direction coordinator for Campus Ministry for eight years.

Father Murphy is one of four University chaplains who work to support all Notre Dame employees through any life journey or experience during which they can be helpful. Sister Andrea Lee, IHM, serves as staff chaplain along with assistant staff chaplains Rev. Michael Mathews, C.S.C., and Rev. Tim O’Connor, C.S.C. Rev. Jim Bracke, C.S.C., who served as staff chaplain for 11 years, retired earlier this year. Faculty members are welcome to reach out to Sister Andrea to assist faculty with any pastoral needs.

University chaplains are confidential, friendly and experienced spiritual companions who honor Notre Dame’s Catholic, Holy Cross mission by serving people of all faiths, and spiritual seekers from all traditions and backgrounds. While some colleagues may call on their support during an especially difficult time, the faculty and staff chaplains are available to talk through many other experiences where spiritual support can be helpful.

“Chaplains bring years of deep experience and a listening heart — always a listening heart — to colleagues needing a safe or confidential space within all kinds of circumstances,” Sister Lee shares. “Our goal? Your peaceful heart, your spiritual growth and — whatever your tradition — recognition that you are a valued member of the Notre Dame community and, by God, ‘loved beyond measure.’”

The chaplains offer opportunities for confidential conversation, prayer, personal or group reflection, group meetings and, of course, listening hearts when you need it most, and especially in times of personal struggle, illness or loss.

Sister Andrea says one of the ways she enjoys interacting with members of the Notre Dame community is through spontaneous meetings on campus. She encourages faculty and staff to stop her or the other chaplains if you see them around.

She notes a quote from Rev. James Keenan, S.J., who describes mercy as the willingness to “enter into the chaos of another.”

“We all have our personal experiences of chaos and need merciful encounters with others. So when you do, call us, email us, stop us on campus, take time for a coffee or chat with a chaplain … whatever works for you.”

If you would like to connect with one of the University chaplains, you can reach out to them directly using their contact information below or by contacting Campus Ministry at 1-9857.

University chaplains (left to right): Sr. Andrea Lee, IHM, Rev. Michael Mathews, C.S.C., and Rev. Tim O'Connor, C.S.C.