Team Irish 2018: IrishCompass


Team Irish Award Irishcompass

The Presidential Team Irish Award program ( publicly recognizes staff teams whose work exemplifies the University’s core values of integrity, accountability, teamwork, leadership in mission and leadership in excellence. At each home football game, those responsible for significant accomplishments, collaborations or initiatives are introduced on the field.


IrishCompass is an online community that supports professional connections within the Notre Dame Network. Thanks to the efforts of staff members across four departments — the Center for Career Development, the Notre Dame Alumni Association, the Office of Information Technologies and the Monogram Club — the community launched last year. The platform allows alumni and students to harness the power of the Notre Dame network and engage with each other in pursuit of professional and career development goals. As of May 31, the community had 10,191 members and had established 6,215 connections among members. In addition, 1,499 members had committed to serve as mentors to students and alumni, and nearly the entire class of 2021 had signed up to be mentored.