Enhancements to buyND+ coming this summer

Buynd For Conductor

Procurement Services introduced two new tools in buyND+ in December: invoicing and contract management. In July, the office will turn its attention to improving the shopping experience within buyND+.  

Last summer, the procurement office rolled out many enhancements to buyND+. Meanwhile, the buyND+ monthly newsletters offered a preview of what to expect from the future enhancements, which include:

  • A buyND+ mobile app for shopping and approving on the go.
  • A new modern product search that displays search results in a grid for easy viewing and comparing.
  • A new shopping cart view.
  • A new requisition and purchase order view.
  • A new assign cart feature.
  • A new supplier add form.
  • A new PO change process, which allows the user to make changes to existing purchase orders and send the change request through workflow.

Along with those enhancements, are these upgrades:

  • A new user interface — this system upgrade will provide the user with a modern, streamlined view for shopping, viewing carts, requisitions and purchase orders.
  • A new shopping marketplace that guides the user effortlessly to available products and suppliers.

To learn more about the upcoming changes to buyND+, Procurement Services will host several Zoom demonstration sessions. The office will announce the schedule later this month.

Visit our website for details.