Benefits Drop-In Assistance Hours for 2019


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You’re already familiar with our askHR customer service representatives. Notre Dame benefits specialists will continue to be available bi-weekly throughout 2019 to help you with benefits-related questions.

Are you…

  • a new employee with benefits questions?
  • changing your benefits due to a life event?
  • considering taking leave for surgery?

A benefits specialist – an expert in Notre Dame’s benefits programs – can assist you with these types of questions and more. Drop by for specialized assistance, no appointment needed.

Alternating Mondays beginning January 7, 2019 through December 9, 2019
3:00 to 4:00 pm
200 Grace Hall

Monday, March 4
Monday, March 18
Monday, April 1
Monday, April 15
Monday , April 29
Monday, May 13
Monday, June 3
Monday, June 17
Monday, July 1
Monday July 15
Monday, July 29
Monday, August 12
Monday, August 26
Monday, September 16
Monday, September 30
Monday, October 14
Monday, October 28
Monday, November 11
Monday, November 25
Monday, December 9

The program will be evaluated annually to determine whether it will continue or change.

Not sure if you need the expertise of a Benefits Specialist? Start with askHR. Our customer service reps stand ready to help you with almost any Notre Dame employment-related matter. Contact askHR at 574-631-5900 or