The finishing touches: Notre Dame’s new art museum


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“My hope is that these spaces, my hope is that these programs, my hope is that the energy and the generosity of the donors shine for Notre Dame, but make Notre Dame come alive in the world in a way that it maybe hasn’t in the past,” said Joe Becherer, director and curator of sculpture for the Raclin Murphy Museum of Art.

The Raclin Murphy Museum of Art opens to the public on Friday, Dec. 1. This 132,000-square-foot complex is being constructed in two phases, the first of which brings to the University of Notre Dame campus and greater South Bend community 70,000 square feet of renowned art collections considered among the finest in the country.

Director of Internal Communications Jenna Liberto talks with Becherer as the finishing touches are being put on the new museum — a centerpiece of Notre Dame’s Arts Gateway.

The NDWorks Podcast is edited by Michael Wiens with original music by Alex Mansour.